The Purite Analyst is a compact unit ideal for water supply in chemistry, quality control and media manufacturing laboratories. The system delivers a steady supply of greater than one megaohms per centimetre pure water for laboratory tasks using carbon pre-treatment, reverse osmosis and deionisation.
Typical applications include glassware rinsing, buffers and stains, reagent make-up, and media preparation.
Available in a range of sizes 40 (6 litres per hour*), 80 (12 litres per hour*), 160 (24 litres per hour*) and 320 (48 litres per hour*).
Additional features of the Purite Analyst:
- Guaranteed > 1Mฮฉ.cm water quality.
- Remote display (optional).
- ECO option now available offering 50% recovery which equates to a significant reduction in water usage and waste.
- WiFi enabled for remote monitoring and operation.
Ask for the ECO option on select Purite water purification systems for an easy upgrade which can be made retrospectively to existing systems on your next service visit. Reduce water and electricity wastage in your lab with the industry leading reverse osmosis (RO) systems with high water recovery rates and intelligent standby mode.
Applicable Purite models for the ECO upgrade: Analyst, HP, Fusion and HPA 30.
*Product output based on feed water pressure of 4 bar and @ 25C.