FILTEC has a range of clarification solutions to cost effectively produce high quality water.
FILTEC has a range of clarification solutions to cost effectively produce high quality water.
FILTEC have engineered a family of Lamella Settlers designs to cost effectively settle suspended solids from water. By dividing the flow, a greater settling rate can be achieved with a significantly smaller footprint and capital cost than other systems. The vessels are fabricated in either epoxy painted carbon steel, or 304 and 316 stainless steel to ensure the most cost-effective solution for the lifetime of the asset. They come with flow distribution at the inlet, sludge extraction devices and stainless steel launders.
FILTEC fits each lamella with Brentwood tube settlers made of lightweight PVC which reduce the tankage/footprint required.
Our standard modular range incorporates flows from 25-110m3/hr. The modular design is an evolving process over the last 15 years, with improvements incorporated from application lessons learned. Our standard design raises the lamella support frame to give room to incorporate multiple sludge hoppers on the bottom to optimize the sludge removal.
For larger flow requirements, we are the agents for Parkson Technologies, the founders and market leaders of The Lamella® which is the original inclined plate clarifier introduced by Parkson in 1971, that became the industry standard for this technology. These larger scale lamellas use inclined plates with patented technology to separate the solids using 100% of the plates effective area.
The Lamella clarifier works when a solid/liquid stream that has been flocculated, enters a tank, and flows upward between a pack of inclined plates. The solids fall to the plate surface, where they slide by gravity down to a sludge collection hopper. The clarified effluent flows through orifice holes and exits the top of the settler.
Potable water clarification
Industrial process water
Sand filter backwash
Metal finishing
River pre-sedimentation
Tube settlers offer an inexpensive method of upgrading existing water treatment plant clarifiers and sedimentation basins to improve performance. They can also reduce the tankage/footprint required in new installations or improve the performance of existing settling basins by reducing the solids loading on downstream filters.
Tube settlers capture the settleable fine floc that escapes the clarification zone beneath the tube settlers and allows the larger floc to travel to the tank bottom in a more settleable form. The tube settler’s channel collects solids into a compact mass which promotes the solids to slide down the tube channel.
Made of lightweight PVC, tube settlers can be easily supported with minimal structures that often incorporate the effluent trough supports.
FILTEC has a long history of working with major water authorities, city and town councils. Check out our recent projects at Water Treatment Plants.
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