Community Water Fluoridation​
FILTEC have developed tailored community water fluoridation solutions to provide safe and cost-effective fluoride dosing into drinking water.
FILTEC have developed tailored community water fluoridation solutions to provide safe and cost-effective fluoride dosing into drinking water.
When considering a community water fluoridation system, you want to be sure your supplier can support you from specification right through to service and support. FILTEC’s water fluoridation systems meet New Zealand and Australian drinking water standards and chemical safety standards.
New Zealand and Australian water sources typically have low concentrations of natural fluoride. Fluoridation is the process of adding the micronutrient fluorine to drinking water to achieve a safe and targeted concentration level in treated water. Fluoride dosing is the most effective and efficient way to help prevent dental caries, such as tooth decay, in communities receiving a reticulated water supply.
From system sizing, equipment supply through to validated measurement and ongoing service FILTEC is well placed to support you. We’ll provide an end-to-end community water fluoridation solution that meets future population requirements and New Zealand and Australian drinking water standards.Â
Precision in custom design. With our municipal water treatment experience, FILTEC can design and implement an efficient fluoridation solution specific to your treatment plant’s needs.
With onsite and offsite fabrication, we can construct and install your fluoride dosing system and take care of performance testing.
FILTEC offers training and support for the maintenance of our equipment. It is essential that all operators understand the processes involved when working with fluoride dosing.
Our ongoing support will help you manage, optimise and increase the longevity of water fluoridation system, and help it perform more efficiently.
The most widely used water fluoridation solution is Fluorosilicic acid (HFA). Due to its scalability we highly recommend HFA for large water treatment plants.
Our FILTEC HFA Fluoride Dosing System is a safe and cost-effective method of dosing fluoride into drinking water. Using Fluorosilicic acid (HFA) this Fluoride dosing system has four size options to meet the requirements of a population of up to 150,000 people (45MLD).
All components are supplied with safety in mind and are all HFA compatible. The dosing system’s instrumentation provides continuous monitoring of the fluoride levels and is linked to a control system that accurately maintains the fluoride in the drinking water.
The Fluoride AquaDOSE offers a dependable and cost-efficient way to add fluoride to drinking water, while fully complying with the New Zealand and Australian drinking water and fluoride dosing code of practice.
Specially designed to meet the unique needs of small communities with populations of up to 10,000 people. Our innovative solution ensures the optimal fluoridation of water.Â
Sodium fluoride is a dry salt additive, typically used in small water treatment systems, dissolved into a solution before being added to water.
Our team can advise you if sodium fluoride is a suitable community water fluoridation method to use at your water treatment plant. Get in touch with us today for a no obligation chat about your fluoridation needs.
Sodium silicofluoride is fed into water by means of mechanical dry feeders equipped with solution tanks. This solutions is typically used in medium sized water treatment systems.
Our team can advise you if sodium fluorosilicate is the right fluoride dosing solution for your water treatment plant. Get in touch with us today for a no obligation chat about your fluoridation needs.
Through our experience designing, delivering and supporting fluoridation systems throughout New Zealand and Australia, FILTEC is well placed to help with your community water fluoridation needs. We have 110+ team members across our six offices throughout New Zealand and Australia – ensuring we have sales and service support nationwide.
FILTEC have recently delivered sodium fluoride dosing systems to four water treatment plant sites for the Clutha District Council. The four sites are located in the Southeast tip of New Zealand’s South Island.
FILTEC supplied the fluoride dosing equipment as well as the mechanical and electrical installation and commissioning services to the Council. For two of the sites, in Tapanui and Kaitangata, FILTEC also provided 10′ containers to house the fluoridation systems. The dosing systems come equipped with special loaders to ensure easy and dust-free loading of Sodium Fluoride into the saturator tank.
Waverly is a small town located in South Taranaki on the West side of New Zealand’s North Island, with an estimated population of 860. To address the water quality issues (including E. coli contamination) and comply with New Zealand Drinking Water Standards FILTEC provided full water treatment services, including water fluoridation.
FILTEC delivered a sodium fluoride dosing facility as part of the build of a new water treatment plant for South Taranaki District Council. The sodium fluoride is delivered in 25kg bags to the site and stored in the Fluoride room. Consumption is around 2.6 25kg bags per month, with on hand storage never exceeding 10 bags.
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