Anthracite coal is a top quality coal that consists of hard, durable coal particles that come in various sizes. Anthracite is used along with silica sand (dual media system) or with silica sand and filter rock (mixed media system) or by itself (mono media system).
Anthracite promotes higher service flow rates and longer filter runs with less head loss than single media filter beds. Backwash rates are reduced as well. Low uniformity coefficient anthracite filter media extends the life of your filter before the media must be changed out.
Available in three options and specified based on water analysis and specific application
82-006 FILTER COAL ES=1.0-1.1MM UC=1.3
82-006B FILTER COAL ES=1.0-1.2MM UC=1.4MAX
82-006C FILTER COAL ES = 0.80-0.90MM UC=1.3MAX